Members of the Whitetail Lane Farm Goat Milk Soap Family!

Members of the Whitetail Lane Farm Goat Milk Soap Family!

Family Picture Disney Cruise Line Magic
This past spring break our family went on our first Disney Cruise! It was a blast and it will not be our last!
Kyle Fishing for Stripper on the Chesapeake Bay
Kyle fishing for stripper fish on the Chesapeake Bay 
Centre Lacrosse U11 Youth - Kyle Cunningham
Kyle at the end of one of his lacrosse games. 
Maisey Flirtatious and Kaylyn Cunningham at Loch Moy Maryland Horse Trials
Kaylyn and Maisey at Loch Moy Maryland Horse Trials. 
Dressage Rally USPC Pony Club
Kaylyn at dressage Rally for Pony Club
May 08, 2016 — jamie cunningham
Tags: farm life Kids

Its been awhile since we have talked about Goat Milk Soap!

Life has been busy at Whitetail Lane Farm. We have been super busy making new Goat Milk Soap products - Whipped Sugar Scrubs, Lip Balms and Bath Bombs. 
Bath Bombs Whitetail Lane Farm Goat Milk Soap
We have also been busy organizing our summer show schedule - which will be posted very soon!
We also got a new Australian Cattle Dog named Remi! He is full of energy and super cute, which gets in out of a lot of trouble. He is a happy addition to our family since we lost our Kelly to cancer this past fall. 
Our family has been busy with spring sports and gearing up for the summer horse show season to start. 
May 03, 2016 — jamie cunningham

Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts Children's and Youth Day

For the past couple of years the kids of Whitetail Lane Farm have developed their own line of goat milk soaps to sell at the Central Pa Festival of the Arts Children's and Youth day in downtown State College. This year was their most successful year yet. They sold out of many scents and their lip balms went fast! We ended up only bringing about 15 bars home with us. 
Here is there set up this year. It was designed and set up by Kaylyn!
Interacting with customers!
Keeping an eye on the cash box!
Thanks to everyone that supported them yesterday. They have already began to design and develop their soaps for next year!
July 10, 2015 — jamie cunningham